Monday, January 20, 2014

Kudirkos Naumiestis 1918

This is a Postgebiet ob. Ost overprinted postal stationery sent in 1918 from Wladislawow (now Kudirkos Naumiestis, Lithuania) to the Kriegsgefangenenlager Stammlager (P.O.W. camp) in Preußisch Holland (now Pasłęk, Poland). The sender's name is a certain Anton Kunzaitis and it is addressed to Konstantin Kunzaitis (or Kuncaitis?), probably held as a prisoner in Preußisch Holland. The card has a postmark of Wladislawow but the sender's address is in Gielgudischki (now Gelgaudiškis, Lithuania) which probably derives from the Polish name Giełgudyszki, located just 1km south west of the famous Panemunė Castle (Not Panemunė, the former Memelgebiet town!) and according to the card, it used to be part of the postal district of Kreis Wladislawow, postamt Szaki (now Šakiai, Lithuania).
By the way, the famous English actor John Gielgud's descendants are from a Polish noble family of Lithuanian origin who owned Giełgudyszki.


  1. Dzień dobry. Mam pytanie: gdzie Pan kupił kartę z 1918 roku. Znam treść wiadomości. Interesują mnie losy rodziny Koncaitis. Pozdrawiam z Polski. Malgorzata Królak.
